
Thursday 19 April 2012

Misk/Musk Perfume

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Musk perfume - Misk[1]

Musk has been used as a perfume and as a traditional medicine for 5000 years. There are approximately four hundred Chinese and Korean traditional remedies using musk. It is researched that musk can be a powerful anti-inflammatory and thirty times stronger than hydrocortisone. It is also said to give strength, clears the eyes, counters the effects of poison, prevents stomach ache and can treat seizures in children. (See the book ‘Islamic Medicine’ by Yusuf al Hajj Ahmad).

There are about six species of musk deer found in thirteen countries. The best and most valued musk comes from the Tong-King Chinese and Tibetan musk deer. Next in value is the Assam or Nepalese Musk and the least valuable comes from Russia/Siberia.
The musk deer are small with protruding teeth but no antlers. Only the male deer have the musk pods or glands.
In the past the musk deer was respected and the rulers in Kashmir forbade the killing of the musk deer for musk. The naturally fallen musk pods were collected once a year from the forest floor without harming the musk deer. However, today the deer are killed for the precious musk. In 1999 one report stated that the Russian musk deer population dropped by 50% due to overhunting. That indicated that around 17,000 musk deer were killed that year yielding approximately 400kg of raw musk pods. Each pod weighs about 23g and the musk was worth about $2 a gram. The European Union banned the import of musk in 1999 to protect the species from dying out.

Apart from the musk deer there are other sources of musk scent:


musk rat
musk otter
musk duck etc.


Musk flower
musk seeds
musk wood

Musk in Islaam

The Arabic word for Musk is ‘misk’ مسك .
The Arabic word for perfume is ‘atar عطر , teeb طيب or raa’ihah رائحة .  Just as in English we can use the words perfume, scent, fragrance etc.
Musk is considered the best type of perfume. 

Musk is mentioned once in the Qur’aan and about forty-four times in the ahaadeeth.

In the Qur’aan musk is mentioned in Surah al Mutaffifeen [83:25-26]:

يُسْقَوْنَ مِن رَّحِيقٍ مَّخْتُومٍ  خِتَامُهُ مِسْكٌ ۚ وَفِي ذَٰلِكَ فَلْيَتَنَافَسِ الْمُتَنَافِسُونَ

They will be given to drink [pure] wine [which was] sealed.
( 26 )   The last of it is musk. So for this let the competitors compete.

Shaykh Fawzaan defined musk as the blood of the musk deer which goes hard in their pods and then the deer scratch these pods and they fall off the body. (Fiqh dars 5/3/2011 in his explanation of the hadeeth regarding the use of musk for Tahara after menses).

 The first group of Muslims to enter Jannah will sweat musk.

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) used a perfume with musk in it before assuming his ihram for Hajj.

Shaykh Muhammad al Uthaymeen, may Allaah have mercy upon him, defined the word perfume in his explanation of Zaad al Mustaqni’ vol. 7, p137:
Not everything which has a nice scent is considered perfume. Perfume is something which is applied to perfume the body according to customs. This means that apple, mint and similar scents that people like have a nice smell but are not considered perfume. Perfume is what is used to perfume oneself such as the oils of oud, musk, rayhaan (basil), rose etc. These perfume oils are not allowed to be used by the person in ihraam.

Perfume generally is not allowed to be used when a person in performing hajj or umrah and is in ihraam. One of the explanations for this is because it arouses the desires and distracts a person from his worship. Allaah Knows best.

There is a hadeeth in Sunan Nisaa’ee which explains that a man’s perfume has an apparent sent and is not very colourful whereas a woman’s perfume is colourful but the scent is hidden and very light.

There is a strong warning to women not to leave her house perfumed as this could attract the attention of men and she is likened to a fornicator.

There is a hadeeth which mentions a light mixed musk perfume for women: 

"كنا نخرج مع رسول الله –صلى الله عليه وسلم- إلى مكة فنضمد جباهنا بالسُك -نوع من الطيب- المطيب عند الإحرام، فإذا عرقت إحدانا سال على وجهها فيراه النبي –صلى الله عليه وسلم- فلا ينهانا". أخرجه أحمد وأبو داود وإسناده حسن.

The hadeeth above mentions the women applying ‘sukk’ to their foreheads and when they sweated the mixture would run down their faces. ‘Sukk’ is a mixture of ‘raamik’ and musk. Raamik is a black substance similar to tar which is mixed with musk to make a lightly perfumed paste.

However, this sukk perfume musk mix is not found in the markets today.

They do however sell black musk and white musk. There are different grades of it.
The original black musk can be found in expensive shops with a tiny bottle, quarter of a tola (about 3g) can cost SR150 (Saudi Riyals approximately £25 GBP). The smell is very potent and shop assistants are sometimes reluctant to let you smell it. They will instead offer you 'misk at Tahaarah' which is the white musk that is very popular among women. People think that this 'misk at Tahaarah' is what is meant by the hadeeth about using misk after menses. Although there is nothing to indicate this. Shaykh Fawzaan explained misk as coming from the deer as mentioned in the quote above.

Musk perfume found today can be original from the animal (black) or artificial from plants or chemicals (white and other black versions).

There is also something called solid cubes of musk which people say is used for after the menses too. However, they seem to be an artificial mix of chemicals that could actually be harmful if used regularly on the skin. They do smell nice placed among clothes in a drawer though.

Solid Misk Cube (bought in Saudi, made in Pakistan)

. بارك الله فيكم

[1] Researched and compiled by Umm ‘Abdir Rahmaan Tara bint Hashim. 2015

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Oud at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

Information coming soon inshaa Allaah.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Henna in Islaam Summary

Henna in Islaam Summary

Whole dried Henna leaves

Whole Henna leaves

Henna Powder

Traditional Henna and Herbs Market Stall, Saudi Arabia

Henna Powder

English Name           

Other Names

Hinna, mehandi
Scientific Name

Lawsonia Inermis

It is a green powder ground from henna leaves. It is grown in hot countries from Morocco across Sudan, Saudi, Pakistan and India.

Astringent, conditions hair, orangey red dye, UV protection, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial.
Medicinal Uses

Wounds, burns, fungal infections, anti-dandruff, strengthens hair, removes excess oil from scalp.
Natural dye to mark skin for radiation therapy.
Natural hair dye and natural grey hair dye.
Natural dye for designs on skin (body art/tattoo)
Mentioned in Islaam
“Henna and katam are best at colouring grey hair”

“The Prophet (r) used to dye his hair and beard with henna and katam.”

Aboo Bakr and Umar (The Caliph leaders that came after the Prophet (r)) used to dye their hair with henna and katam. (Ahmad; Muslim)

“A woman made a sign from behind a curtain to indicate that she had a letter for the Messenger of Allaah (r). The Prophet (r) closed his hand saying, ‘I do not know whether this is a man’s hand or a woman’s’. She said, ‘a womans’. He said, ‘if you were a woman you would colour your nails with henna”.
Narrated by Aa’ishah in Aboo Daawood no. 4154.

“The best scent of the People of Paradise will be henna”.
Narrated by ‘Abdullaah bin ‘Amr in Tabaraani.

“No-one complained of a pain in his head except that he (r) said use cupping and no-one complained of a pain in his legs except that he (r) said dye them (i.e with henna).
Narrated by Salmaa Umm Raafi’ in Bukhaaree.

“Whenever the Messenger of Allaah (r) had a boil or was pricked by a thorn, he used to put henna on it.”
Narrated by Salmaa Umm Raafi’ in Tirmidhee.

“My brother Raafi’ and I visited ‘Umar bin al Khattaab. I had dyed my hair with henna and my brother had dyed his hair yellow (sufrah). So ‘Umar said, ‘this is the dye of Islaam’ and he said to my brother, ‘this is the dye of faith, eemaan.”
(Awn al Ma’bood Sharh Aboo Daawood. Vol. 11 p 258).

Methods of using:    
To dye hair orangey red
(The results depend on your hair colour, what other herbs you add to the henna mix, how long you leave it on your hair and the freshness and quality of your henna powder):

Use gloves. Always do a strand test.
Make some henna paste with henna powder and lemon juice/water. (use 100g henna powder for shoulder length hair) Leave overnight to release the dye.
Add more water to form a paste like yoghurt and stir well.
Section your hair and apply the mixture. Leave on your hair for about 2-4 hours and wrap well with cling film or a shower cap. Make sure to wipe off any excess paste from ears, forehead and neck as it will make your skin turn orange!
Wash your hair thoroughly.
It takes about 2 days for the final colour to settle completely.

Click on the link below to download a copy of the above summary:

Henna in Islaam Fact Sheet PDF

A more detailed article about henna in Islaam will be uploaded soon...

To buy good quality henna, sidr, lubaan, amla, indigo, among other natural beauty products please visit our online shop (click on the link below):



Frankincense - Lubaan in Islaam

Lubaan in Islaam

Lubaan, Frankincense


English Name           

Arabic Name

Lubaan: لبان
Scientific Name

Boswellia frereana; boswellia carteri; boswellia sacra.

A golden yellow gum resin extracted from a tree trunk
Medicinal Uses

Purifies the air from unwanted smells.
Lifts the mood of a person.
Helps improve memory.
Neutralizes bad breath.
Strengthens the heart.

Purifies the air when burnt
(place a piece of lubaan on an electric burner or on a piece of hot coal)
Methods of using
Drink the liquid after soaking lubaan in water (place a  small piece in a glass of water and leave to soak for a couple of hours.

Chew a piece of lubaan until it becomes like chewing gum then remove and throw it away - do not swallow.

Inhale the fragrance by burning lubaan on coals or on a burner.
Mentioned in Islaam

Ali (Radi Allaahu ‘anhu) said,
“Resort to the lubaan, because it strengthens the heart and does away with forgetfulness.”
Ibn Abbaas (Radi Allaahu ‘anhu) said,
“Drinking lubaan with sugar on an empty stomach is favourable for the urine and helps against forgetfulness”
Anas (Radi Allaahu ‘anhu) said,
“Resort to kundur (lubaan)! Soak it overnight and in the morning take a sip of it on an empty stomach because it is good against forgetfulness.”
More Information
Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet” (r) by Imam ibn Qayyim al Jauziyyah. Darussalam 1999

Please click on the following link to download the above summary:

Lubaan in Islaam PDF

Click on the link below to go to our online shop. Buy your henna, sidr, lubaan and much more:


Sidr in Islaam

Sidr Powder

Sidr Leaves and sidr seeds
Fresh Sidr leaves

7 Fresh Sidr leaves

Sidr Tree Saudi
Sidr Fruit on the Sidr Tree

Sidr Leaf Powder

English Name           

Lote tree leaves;
Lotus leaves (not the lotus flowers that grow in water);
Arabic Name

Sidr:  سدر
Scientific Name

Zizyphus Spina-Christi

Green leaves ground into powder

Natural cleansing agent like soap
(Contains saponins, tannins, anti-bacterial agents and alkaloids) Note: some people who are allergic to latex may have similar reactions to the sidr alkaloids so seek advice first before using)
Medicinal Uses

Cleanse skin and hair

Smells like wet grass
Mentioned in Islaam

Sidr is mentioned in the Qur’aan in 4 places:

Surah Saba ayaahs 15 and 16;
Surah Najm aayahs 7-18;
Surah Waaqi’ah ayaahs 27-33.

Sidr is mentioned in the sunnah in numerous ahaadeeth.
It was used at the time of the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) as a soap and shampoo in different situations:

1.     Wash hair and body (but not for ghusl: pure water without soap)
2.     Ghusl for entering the religion of Islaam
3.     Wash the dead before burial. "Wash him with water and Sidr and shroud him in his two cloths".
4.     Remove effects of magic/envy. (Not a sunnah from the Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) but some scholars have mentioned using it as a cure)
Methods of using
Sidr for hair and body:

Add 1 tablespoon of powdered sidr to approximately 1 cup of warm water. Mix it vigorously with your fingers to make it frothy and like soap suds. Wash your hair with it, leave on for a few minutes while washing the rest of your body, then rinse out completely.
A day after hair has been washed with sidr it will be shiny and full of volume inshaa Allaah!

Sidr for washing the dead:

Add one cup of sidr powder to a bucket of water. Make it frothy with your fingers before using.

Sidr for accepting Islaam:

“It is Mashru` (Islamically prescribed) for anyone who wants to embrace Islam to first say Shahadah then perform Ghusl. This is according to many Hadiths. It was narrated by Qays ibn `Asim that when he wanted to embrace Islam, the Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered him to perform Ghusl using water and Sidr (lote tree/ lotus jujube). (Related by the Five Compilers of Hadith [Imams Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidhy, Al-Nasa'y, and Ibn Majah] except for Ibn Majah)” (Shaykh Bin Baz vol. 11 p37)

Sidr for removing envy or magic:

“...It is also recommendable to add seven leaves of Sidr to the water, as some Salaf (righteous predecessors) used to do, and recite Ayat-ul-Kursy, Al-Iklas and Al-Mu`awwidhatayn and some Ayahs (verses from the Qur'an) on removing the magic effect, from Surah Al-A`raf, Surah Yunus and Surah Ta-Ha, on the water by yourself or by aid of anyone else and this will be helpful, in sha'a Allah.” (Shaykh Bin Baz part 28 p346)

“...One method of treating sorcery after its occurrence - it is also an effective remedy for a man who cannot have sexual intercourse with his wife because of sorcery - is the following: Take seven leaves of the green Sidr (lote tree) and pound them with something like a stone; then put them in a vessel and pour into it an amount of water enough for washing. After that, recite the following Surahs and Ayahs over the water: Ayat-ul-Kursy, Surahs Al-Kafirun, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and Al-Nas, and the Ayahs in Surah Al-A`raf that speak of sorcery. Then drink three times from that water and wash yourself with the rest. Thus, the illness will be cured, if Allah so wills. This method may be employed two times or more until the illness is cured...” (Fataawa of Shaykh bin Baz vol. 3 pp274-282)

More Information
Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet” (r) by Imam ibn Qayyim al Jauziyyah. Darussalam 1999
“Islamic Medicine the key to a better life” Yusuf al Hajj Ahmad. Darussalam 2010

Please click on the following link to download the above summary:

Sidr in Islaam Fact Sheet PDF

We sell freshly ground sidr powder imported from Saudi.

By the way, sidr powder is easier to wash out of your hair than the crushed leaves.

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